We Are Not Alone book cover ufo

We Are Not Alone: The Extraordinary History of UFOs and Aliens Invading Our Hopes, Fears, and Fantasies (Quirk Books)

OCT. 17, 2023 / HARDCOVER

Explore our fascination with UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence through exclusive interviews, archival photos, and strange but true stories from history. Do you want to believe?

Available wherever you buy books.

After decades of cover-ups and denials, in a June 2021 report, the US government finally admitted what many people already knew: yes, UFOs are real, and no, we don’t know what (or who) they are. Writer and historian Marc Hartzman separates fact from fiction and provides a comprehensive tour through the skies, including:

  • UFO sightings, from the famous (including the Phoenix Lights and the Ariel School Incident) to the obscure 

  • Alien abductions, including the Betty and Barney Hill abduction and the Pascagoula abduction

  • Ancient aliens, from Biblical astronauts to the alien architects behind the pyramids

  • Scientific evidence, including the “Wow!” radio signal and the interstellar ‘Oumuamua object

  • Cover-ups and conspiracies, including the Roswell Incident and Area 51

  • Governmental and military reports, from Project Blue Book to reports of UFOs at nuclear weapons sites

Deeply researched and highly entertaining, We Are Not Alone will inform and enchant anyone who’s ever doubted we’re really alone in the universe.

What People Are Saying

  • “WE ARE NOT ALONE is a highly informative new book by Marc Hartzman that covers the UFO/UAP topic from ancient times to the present. It manages to be highly entertaining and easy to read, yet fair, balanced and thorough. Because it manages to be so enjoyable and engaging, while still doing justice to the complex history of the issue, it provides an ideal introduction to the UFO/UAP topic.”

    Christopher Mellon, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence

  • “Terrific on multiple levels … it would work even if it was just a book of photographs … the little pieces of historical tidbits gathered up from all over the place that gives us an insight into things that happened long ago and through the history of this phenomena, that’s worth the price of the book alone.”

    George Knapp, investigative journalist and Coast to Coast AM weekend host

  • “Marc Hartzman has captured the essence of the UFO subject and its history in We Are Not Alone. No one book alone can be a compressive treatise on the subject, but Hartzman has zeroed in on select narratives and topics that paint a broad overview of the diversity of the UFO subject matter as well as the culture surrounding it. Whether you're a newcomer to the topic or a seasoned investigator/researcher, everyone will find something of interest in this enjoyable read that serves as an out-of-this-world journey."

    David Marler, Executive Director, National UFO Historical Records Center

  • "Marc Hartzman's 'We Are Not Alone' is the best book I've seen in decades for a single source account of the entire UFO phenomenon. You won't find another book that seamlessly and effortlessly runs the gamut from Kepler to Kenneth Arnold to the Fermi Paradox. It's perfect for the UFO curious, but also still valuable for grizzled veterans. Would that all books on the subject were more like this."

    Paul Hynek, son of Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Miriam Hynek, entrepreneur, professor, and futurist

  • "The study of UFOs (aka ufology) is really a study of history... but an exotic part of history that's not taught in the classroom. Now that UFO news pervades the media, I'm often asked by friends: How do I make sense of it all? They want to know how to get up to speed. Now I can finally say, ‘Just read this book.’ We Are Not Alone is the perfect summary of the most prolific UFO events and key themes of related phenomena. A fun read packed with illustrations and photos that will strike up an existential conversation anywhere on planet Earth!"

    Ben Hansen, UFO researcher and host of UFO Witness

  • "An entertaining, informative and even-handed overview of UFOs, alien abductions and the scientific search for extraterrestrial life, that places our fascination with aliens in its social, cultural and historical context."

    Nick Pope, UK Ministry of Defence 'UFO Desk', 1991 – 1994

  • “If you’re looking for the truth about UFOs and aliens, don’t look to the government, don’t look to the skies, look to the pages of WE ARE NOT ALONE. Hartzman’s thoroughly researched and thoroughly enjoyable book should be an essential part of any weird library.”


  • “Marc Hartzman did it again — summing up expansive lore in a comprehensive and entertaining way, with loads of anecdotes and illustrations. The truth is in here!”

    Axelle Carolyn, filmmaker (American Horror Story, The Haunting of Bly Manor)

  • “I recommend this book to anyone interested in our human experience w/ UFOs, UAPs, aliens, and SETI. It's thoroughly researched, brilliant, and so much fun! A perfectly lighthearted serious book.”

    Dr. Pascal Lee, co-founder and chairman of the Mars Institute and planetary scientist at the SETI Institute

  • “An absolutely astounding read in every possible way. Bottomline, this book you must read in your lifetime."

    NTRN, Daniel Breuer & Jennifer Gregerson

  • "A seminal, ground-breaking, and up-to-date study of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) ... a simply fascinating and impressively detailed history that will have a very special appeal and value for readers with an interest in the UFO/UAP impact on contemporary culture, politics, and military responses, past and present."

    Midwest Book Review


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